Before you invest your money, you must invest your time!

If you are going to be investing your money to make great returns, you might as well check out a few of these books to get you into the mindset of an investor:

BuffetologyMary Buffet – This book is an outline of how Warren Buffet’s brain works. Warren Buffet is world’s richest investor and he thinks completely different than anyone else. A huge book on the difference between fundamentals and technical.

The magic of thinking bigDavid Schwartz, many billionaires attribute their psychology to the magic of thinking big. One of the originals on a wealth mindset which is #1 when it comes to investing.

The 4 Hour WorkweekBy Tim Ferris. Although not specifically on investing, Tim Ferris shows you that you don’t have to be a millionaire to live the life of a millionaire and breaks down time management and leverage through online business.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki – This is the book that started it all for so many people! Why are some people rich and others are poor? Robert Kioysaki shows us all about accounting using the story of two 7 year old boys and the money habits of their two fathers. Inside this book you will learn about Cash flow, leverage, buying real estate with no money down, and the concept that the rich do not work for money. The rich work for assets. If you only read one book on this list, this is the one to read!

Art of the Deal By Donald Trump – Since becoming president, Donald Trump has become a controversial figure. Before he was president, he was one of the best Real Estate Investors of All time. Art of the Deal takes a look inside of The Donald’s brain when it comes to making deals and shows how Donald built his Billion dollar career.

Rich Dad’s Cash Flow Quadrant – Another book on accounting. This time Robert Kiyosaki outlines the four ways that people make money using the ESBI quadrants. This is the must read sequel to the #1 best selling personal finance book of all time – Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing – The Third book in the series and much more technical than Rich Dad Poor Dad or Cashflow Quadrant. This book outlines the use of different asset classes to create velocity of money and more technical investor techniques.

The E-myth by Michael Gerber– Although this book is on entrepreneurship, whether you are a real estate investor or a stock investor, understanding the difference between an entrepreneur, manager and technician is essential for success.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – By T Harv Ecker – so much of making money successfully is determined by the proper mindset for wealth creation. Secrets of the millionaire mind is a great place to start.

Sun Tzu – The Art of War – This book is a must have for anyone studying business, investing or leadership. The psychology of battle and winning is age old and this text delivers over and over again. A must read.

The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing By Ken McElroy – A Great book on the fundamentals of investing in Real Estate by Ken McElroy who currently owns 11,000 apartment units and manages on of the best companies to work for in Phoenix Arizona. If you want to learn to invest in apartments, this is a great place to start.

The Advanced guide to real estate investing – By Ken McElroy – The second part to the previous book that contains advanced techniques on real estate investing.

Influence by Robert Cialdini – One of my favorite books of all time on what influences human beings and what makes us think. This book is a must read for understanding human nature.

Money People Deal – The Fastest Way To Real Estate Wealth – Stefan Aarnio. This book outlines Real Estate Joint Ventures and how to invest in real estate with no money of your own. A very important book especially if you are investing in Canada. Click here for a special limited time offer on this book and bonuses…

The ABC’s of property management – Ken McElroy . Making money in real estate investing is all about having good management. Ken McElroy is a management pro who outlines what it takes to succeed in this book.

The Naked Investor – John Lawrence Renolds – A book exposing the investment industry where customers are sheep who are shorn of their wool and harvested for the benefit of their financial advisors. A must read if you are still investing in mutual funds.

The Richest man in Babylon – George Samual Clason – A fantastic book outlining the basic principles of building wealth dating back to ancient times.

Think and Grow Rich – The original book on creating wealth, besides the holy bible. Napoleon Hill interviewed the 500 richest people in the world of his time and created this classic map to wealth.

The millionaire next door – by Thomas J Stanley – An excellent book on the habits of the average millionaire in North America including how they make their money and how they spend.

RELATED: You can also see my reviews for best real estate books.