Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Chapter 37 The $1,000 Hot Dog and the Genius Behind It. It is better to sell one $1,000 hot dog than to sell one thousand $1 hot dogs. That’s why Stefan Aarnio chose to get into real estate. Selling one hot dog for $1,000 makes so much more profit, requires less...
Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Money People Deal: Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Cash Flow Does Not Equal Profit. Cash flow is the goal of most long-term, buy-and-hold investors. Cash flow is the dream and the allure of real estate. Even though cash flow is a concept that excites most people, it is often what makes people leave the...
Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Money People Deal: Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Why Flippers Are Losers and the 15 Percent Rule. Flipping real estate is one of the most sensationalized forms of real estate investing around today. This is a very popular and romanticized real estate strategy, but many flippers are uneducated,...
Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Money People Deal: Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Coca-Cola Vs. Drug Dealers – Pay Everybody. Has it ever crossed through your mind that Coca-Cola and drug dealers share a lot of things in common? Addictive products, insane profit margins, and concentrated producers are some of the features both...
Self Made: Confession 33

Self Made: Confession 33

  Confession #33 Why You Must Become A Capitalist. After the mind shifting lessons he received from his jungle tour guide, Stefan Aarnio was ready to take action. He had set himself an ambitious 100 deals goal for the next year, and he would need to raise from...