Self Made: Confession 33

Self Made: Confession 33

  Confession #33 Why You Must Become A Capitalist. After the mind shifting lessons he received from his jungle tour guide, Stefan Aarnio was ready to take action. He had set himself an ambitious 100 deals goal for the next year, and he would need to raise from...
Money People Deal: Chapter 26

Money People Deal: Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Why the Best Deals Are Created and Cannot Be Bought. Stefan Arnio often hears people complain about deals: “You can’t do that here”, “There aren’t any deals where I live”. The truth is that deals are everywhere if you are trained to see them. Yes, it is...
Self Made: Confession 33

Self Made: Confession 27

  Confession #27 5 Skills of the Self Made Millionaire. There are 5 stages to becoming a fully developed entrepreneur, but most people think they can handle the jungle without proper training and polished skills. If you are stuck in your business, it means that...
Money People Deal: Chapter 26

Money People Deal: Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Crossing the Minefield to Wealth. A million dollars cash for you is on the other side of a field of explosive landmines. What do you do? Would you stay put, make a run for it, go slow and steady or follow someone who knows the quickest and safest way?...