Money People Deal: Chapter 22

Money People Deal: Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Turning Pro – Align with Pros, Cull Amateurs, Bury Traitors. Life is not easy when you are on top… Everybody wants a piece of you. In business or in life there are three types of people: professionals, amateurs and traitors. Stefan Aarnio is no...
Money People Deal: Chapter 22

Money People Deal: Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Crossing the Minefield to Wealth. A million dollars cash for you is on the other side of a field of explosive landmines. What do you do? Would you stay put, make a run for it, go slow and steady or follow someone who knows the quickest and safest way?...
Self Made: Confession 18

Self Made: Confession 18

  Confession #18 You Will Be Abandoned at Some Point. Remember those horrid team group assignments back in school? Were you one of those kids who bailed and waited for others to do all the work, or were you the poor kid doing everything on your own? In his early...