By: Stefan Aarnio

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I get a lot of people asking about failure. My opinion with failing is you want to fail fast and fail cheap.


When you’re doing something, try to fail right away if you’re going to fail, and fail for the least amount of dollars as you can.


I’ve done some marketing campaigns in the last year, I went big too fast and I failed slow. It cost me a lot of money and little to show for it.


Now I’ve scaled back my marketing. I’m doing small amounts of tests.


I’ll play around with $1,000 and if I fail, I fail fast and fail cheap.


You need to learn fast, guys. The world is moving way too fast these days, so you want to fail fast and fail cheap and adjust.


The worst way to fail in this world is slow and big. You really don’t want to do that.


If you like these blog posts, go pick up a copy of my book “Self Made.” You can get it here.


You’re going to love the book. If you don’t love it, give it to someone who does, and I’ll give you your money back.


Respect The Grind,

Stefan Aarnio


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P.P.S. Make sure you come back tomorrow morning. Now that we made it okay to fail fast and cheap, we will talk about why you need keep your emotions out of business. Don’t miss it.

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