Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Chapter 37 The $1,000 Hot Dog and the Genius Behind It. It is better to sell one $1,000 hot dog...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 36

Money People Deal: Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Singles Vs. Home Runs. Baseball is America’s favorite pastime, and believe it or not, baseball and entrepreneurship have many things in common. Many baseball terms are also used in business, and today, Stefan Aarnio will be focusing on his favorite terms:...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 35

Money People Deal: Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Cash Flow Does Not Equal Profit. Cash flow is the goal of most long-term, buy-and-hold investors. Cash flow is the dream and the allure of real estate. Even though cash flow is a concept that excites most people, it is often what makes people leave the...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 34

Money People Deal: Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Why Flippers Are Losers and the 15 Percent Rule. Flipping real estate is one of the most sensationalized forms of real estate investing around today. This is a very popular and romanticized real estate strategy, but many flippers are uneducated,...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 33

Money People Deal: Chapter 33

Chapter 33 No-Risk Profits - Know Your Audience and Give Them What They Want. You don’t have to be a genius to make profit. In fact, the best entrepreneurs in the world are even college dropouts. Business is a simple game, so you should always keep it simple. If...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 36

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 36

  Chapter 36 Women And the Fall of Man. A man alone is nothing. A group of men is nothing, and they need women to have a future. Men must compete for women, but there is a point where men become weak around women. They say that when a woman loves a man, he...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 32

Money People Deal: Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Coca-Cola Vs. Drug Dealers - Pay Everybody. Has it ever crossed through your mind that Coca-Cola and drug dealers share a lot of things in common? Addictive products, insane profit margins, and concentrated producers are some of the features both share. The...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 35

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 35

  Chapter 35 Should Our Civilization Go 500 Years Backwards? Christianity is nearly 500 years ahead of Islam in ideology, because Christianity is 500 years older than Islam. During this time, Christianity has had more time to grow, explore, and move from an...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 31

Money People Deal: Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Why Fast Wins and Slow Loses in the Market. Speed is a virtue in all arenas and it is a key to victory. In the wild and in business, it takes to be fastest to be at the top. In real estate investing, speed marks the biggest difference between a novice, an...

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Self Made: Confession 33

Self Made: Confession 33

  Confession #33 Why You Must Become A Capitalist. After the mind shifting lessons he received from his jungle tour guide, Stefan Aarnio was ready to take action. He had set himself an ambitious 100 deals goal for the next year, and he would need to raise from...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 30

Money People Deal: Chapter 30

Chapter 30 What Recession? How to Become Recession Proof. Between the top of the market and the bottom of the market is “no man’s land”, also known as the middle of the market. Being in the middle represents a huge threat, because this is where recessions destroy...

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Self Made: Confession 32

Self Made: Confession 32

  Confession #32 Secret #5: You Must Raise Capital and Become A Capitalist In Stage 4 it is time for you to control cash-flowing assets. If you make it this far in your real-estate business, then you have now proved yourself as a money-making machine and you are...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 33

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 33

  Chapter 33 The Empire Strikes First In every war, the winner gets to write history, and cleaning up the history books is a way to strike first as a victorious empire. Nazi Germany killed millions of people in WWII, but since Germany lost the war, in history...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 29

Money People Deal: Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Why Morons Get Rich and Geniuses Die Broke - The Six Profit Centers of Real Estate. Why do so many smart, educated “A” students with high-priced aducations struggle to make a living while total morons can win big profits in real estate? Stefan Aarnio thinks...

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Self Made: Confession 31

Self Made: Confession 31

  Confession #31 Secret #4: You Must Control Cash-Flowing Assets In Stage 4 it is time for you to control cash-flowing assets. If you make it this far in your real-estate business, then you have now proved yourself as a money-making machine and you are earning a...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 32

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 32

  Chapter 32 Barbarians at the Gates - The Fall of America The Western World loves the Star Wars and The Hunger Games franchises, their plots and protagonists. We cheer for the rebels, we cheer for the barbarians but we fail to recognize that in reality, we are...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 28

Money People Deal: Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Fundamentals Vs. Technicals and Cash Vs. Cash Flow. In investing, there are two major schools of thought: fundamental investors and technical traders. Both strategies can be successful, and both can make a lot of money. Both strategies should be used...

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Self Made: Confession 30

Self Made: Confession 30

  Confession #30 Secret #3: You Must Make Amazing Products Stage 3, creating amazing products, is where real estate becomes a full-blown business and therefore, you become a true entrepreneur. If you’ve made it this far, then your chances of taking more money...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 31

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 31

  Chapter 31 A History of Violence - The Rise of Rome All empires were born from violence, all empires are built on the back of slaves. Rome, Persia, Egypt, America... history is full of examples of sophisticated empires that were born out of violence, fire and...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 27

Money People Deal: Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Buy Rational; Sell Irrational. It doesn’t matter who you are and what your job is, every single human being wakes up to chase value. The real question is, what is really value and what is actually valuable? When it comes to real estate, most people will...

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Self Made: Confession 29

Self Made: Confession 29

  Confession #29 Secret #2: You Must Become a Master Negotiator. In real estate, there is no inherent profit in any property. People who have mastered the art of negotiation can build profit into any deal. Spending time and money to become a better negotiator...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 30

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 30

  Chapter 30 Extinction: The Obsolescence of Men. Strength and being a strong man come from use. When you don’t use your body, it weakens, when you don’t use your mind, it weakens, and when you don’t use your spirit, it weakens. In today’s world men and women...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 26

Money People Deal: Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Why the Best Deals Are Created and Cannot Be Bought. Stefan Arnio often hears people complain about deals: “You can’t do that here”, “There aren’t any deals where I live”. The truth is that deals are everywhere if you are trained to see them. Yes, it is...

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Self Made: Confession 28

Self Made: Confession 28

  Confession #28 Secret #1: You Must Become a Fantastic Marketer. What’s the lifeblood of any business? Errr, wrong, not money! Leads! So many businesses struggle or go bankrupt because they don’t have enough leads walking in the door or the phone doesn’t ring...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 29

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 29

  Chapter 29 The World Belongs to Warrior Cultures. Societies are born out of intolerance, and they die when they become too tolerant to function. America was born as an intolerant nation but has become an over tolerant one. Tolerance leads to weakness and...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 25

Money People Deal: Chapter 25

Chapter 25 The Law of Certainty and the Twenty-One Steps to a JV Deal. While some people believe in luck, Stefan Aarnio believes in the law of certainty: certain things done in a certain way will achieve certain results certainly! In order to raise money for a real...

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Self Made: Confession 27

Self Made: Confession 27

  Confession #27 5 Skills of the Self Made Millionaire. There are 5 stages to becoming a fully developed entrepreneur, but most people think they can handle the jungle without proper training and polished skills. If you are stuck in your business, it means that...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 28

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 28

  Chapter 28 Masculine Vs Feminine Political Power - Bonobos Vs Chimps. Zoologists have deeply studied numerous ape societies to draw parallels between their behavior in comparison to humans’. We’ll be interested in the following ape societies: chimpanzees and...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 24

Money People Deal: Chapter 24

Chapter 24 How to Profit from Failure: Lemons into Lemonade. There’s a hidden attribute in failure that only leaders know how to take advantage of. Learning from failure is way more valuable than succeeding after the first attempt. When life gives you lemons, you...

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Self Made: Confession 26

Self Made: Confession 26

  Confession #26 Singles Win the World Series. There are two types of deals in real estate: sexy deals and profitable deals. Everyone wants to do sexy deals but they really don’t make much money. These deals do make money when executed by professionals, but even...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 27

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 27

  Chapter 27 In the Land of the Blind - Men Can No Longer See Their Enemies. In today’s society, men are forced to go with the masses like brainless sheep. Today, men are judged and oppressed for questioning things. If he questions people of the same sex getting...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 23

Money People Deal: Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Grit - The X Factor for Success. We all want success to be easy, but in reality success never is. What if we could increase our probability for success by focusing on one certain personality trait? If you had the chance to pick a specific personality trait,...

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Self Made: Confession 25

Self Made: Confession 25

  Confession #25 Buy Hold and Pray Is Bad Business. The key to wealth in real estate is very simple: earn income and invest earned income into passive income. Money is all about speed, and you can’t expect your investors to wait until the next deal. Stefan Aarnio...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 26

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 26

  Chapter 26 New God - Atheism: Killing the Sacred Cows In the modern world, the rejection and denial of deities is normalized and well accepted. In America, educational institutions have stopped inculcating the previously dominant judeo-christian values, which...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 22

Money People Deal: Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Turning Pro - Align with Pros, Cull Amateurs, Bury Traitors. Life is not easy when you are on top… Everybody wants a piece of you. In business or in life there are three types of people: professionals, amateurs and traitors. Stefan Aarnio is no stranger to...

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Self Made: Confession 23

Self Made: Confession 23

  Confession #23 Your Last $500 For Stefan Aarnio the small monthly income he made on his cash-flowing real estate was simply not enough, he had an appetite for adventure. As time went by, and due to the nature of real estate, his credit cards started to get...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 25

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 25

  Chapter 25 New God — “Science” Worthless Academia. All the systems that exist in today’s world are broken and obsolete. The education system is no exception and it may even be the worst of the bunch. Outdated teachings, useless degrees and a model that enslaves...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 21

Money People Deal: Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Lions Vs. Gazelles. In every market, with no exceptions, there are lions and there are gazelles. Lions represent the leaders of the market, while the gazelles symbolize the average players. As an entrepreneur, which one would you rather be? In this chapter...

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Self Made: Confession 22

Self Made: Confession 22

  Confession #22 Can You Smell the Money? Stefan Aarnio got more than a check from his 4-plex nightmare deal. After bouncing back from financial hell, he became a local real estate mogul, which led him to do a lot of public speaking. With a solid reputation, it...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 24

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 24

  Chapter 24 Native American Genocide - British Style Versus American Style. What’s the major difference between the genocides of the Native American from the now US and Canadian territories? The first were slaughtered and wiped out, the latter were left “alive”...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 20

Money People Deal: Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Pressure Makes Diamonds. Pressure makes diamonds... but it can also crush people. Being under pressure is definitely uncomfortable and yet somehow it can bring out the best version of ourselves. Pressure shows us who we really are, and can bring out rather...

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Self Made: Confession 21

Self Made: Confession 21

  Confession #21 Savages Get Results. What if you were on the verge of bankruptcy with zero chances to recover and you only had 90 days to save your ass from financial hell? Would you become the businessman you were unable to be when everything seemed “alright”?...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 23

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 23

  Chapter 23 New God — Money, the Economic Genocide of the Middle Class. How to ensure the fall of an empire? How can a first world nation transition into a third world one without it even realizing it? America is currently suffering a harmful transformation, the...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 19

Money People Deal: Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Crossing the Minefield to Wealth. A million dollars cash for you is on the other side of a field of explosive landmines. What do you do? Would you stay put, make a run for it, go slow and steady or follow someone who knows the quickest and safest way?...

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Self Made: Confession 20

Self Made: Confession 20

  Confession #20 Your Dream Can Become a Nightmare. Stefan Aarnio landed any real estate agent’s dream and had basically hit the jackpot. He was just months away from transforming the worst house on the block into the best house in the neighborhood. This project...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 22

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 22

  Chapter 22 Religion from A Functional Perspective - To Keep Man from Returning to Cannibalism. Even though religion as both a concept and a practice has taken a major role in human civilizations and throughout history, today it seems like religion is mostly...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 18

Money People Deal: Chapter 18

Chapter 18 The Luxury of No Options. Focus brings clarity to the mind and success, and with focus comes happiness and productivity. The enemy of focus, however, is options. When people have too many options they lose focus, which leads to hesitation, anxiety, and...

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Self Made: Confession 19

Self Made: Confession 19

  Confession #19 Follow the Money. Buying ahead of the curve will make all the difference for you. Stefan’s ambition and passion for real estate led him to find the property he had been looking for for the longest time. He could see the potential of both the...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 21

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 21

  Chapter 21 Pornography: The Mass Castration of Divine Masculine Power. Long gone are the days when the “weirdos” had to hop on their cars, drive for twenty minutes, enter a fishy store, awkwardly and barely interact with the staff on shift and drive all the way...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 17

Money People Deal: Chapter 17

Chapter 17 The No Cash Diet, Kill the Addiction to Money. Money is an illusion, money does not exist. We insist on giving it enough meaning and value for it to gain power over us. The only thing holding anyone back from reaching his or her dreams is mindset. In this...

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Self Made: Confession 18

Self Made: Confession 18

  Confession #18 You Will Be Abandoned at Some Point. Remember those horrid team group assignments back in school? Were you one of those kids who bailed and waited for others to do all the work, or were you the poor kid doing everything on your own? In his early...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 20

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 20

  Chapter 20 The Destruction of Men and the Family. If the word “patriarchy” seems to have a negative connotation, you have witnessed (and maybe even been a part of) society’s efforts to destroy men. Being a strong man in today’s world means dealing with hate,...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 16

Money People Deal: Chapter 16

Chapter 16 If You Want to be Rich, Work for Free. What makes the rich man different from the poor man? The first's will to work for free. The most brilliant people in the world have started from the bottom without expecting a single cent in return for their work, and...

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How to be A Beast – Podcast w/ Chad Howse

How to be A Beast – Podcast w/ Chad Howse

There are problems with the common saying ‘fat is where you produce testosterone.’ You need a balance of good carbohydrates and vegetables as well. It’s not just about getting rid of your belly, it’s about becoming a stronger man. "This podcast showcases an impactful...

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Self Made: Confession 17

Self Made: Confession 17

  Confession #17 The Money Wants You More Than You Want the Money. Actions equal dollars and work needs to be done. Follow Stefan’s first call, appointment and close with a long forgotten lead that was pointless and dead to the company. Thanks to Aarnio’s...

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Ignore the Negativity With Neil Auricchio

Ignore the Negativity With Neil Auricchio

Negativity is all around us. To notice this, all you have to do is bring up a decent idea to someone. Watch them find 10 reasons for you not to execute instead of 10 reasons why you should. Ignore these people COMPLETELY. In this podcast with Neil Auricchio I discuss...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 19

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 19

  Chapter 19 How Do You Choose A Gender From 63 Genders? What Roles Do We Play? Would you rather have to choose between two different ice-cream flavors, or from 63 different flavor options? Remember the world where things were just simple? In different times, men...

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Why the Competition is Much Harder on Social Media

Why the Competition is Much Harder on Social Media

In this podcast, we discuss why the competition is much harder on social media. Gimmicks and cheap tricks will hurt your business and your brand. Prepare to be in this for the long haul. Focus on quality. Social media pushes us to make content all the time. Learning...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 15

Money People Deal: Chapter 15

Chapter 15 The Three Pillars of Achievement. Throughout history, many people have searched far and wide for the formula for riches. Some people would call it the philosopher's stone or the fountain of youth. However, Napoleon Hill's formula is the one that hasn't made...

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Being a Man in the Modern World With Stef Sifandos

Being a Man in the Modern World With Stef Sifandos

So you want to know what it takes Being a man in the modern world? Listen to this Respect The Grind podcast with Stef Sifandos to find out. When you don’t live out your primal nature, you become repressed. Knowing how your biologically built as a man helps you manage...

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Self Made: Confession 16

Self Made: Confession 16

  Confession #16  You Have to Sell Everyday Learning as you go could be the best thing to ever happen to you. Aarnio got his dream job and felt like he was now on the right track, but bumped into a wall regarding the company. Turns out there were no guidelines,...

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The Importance of Building a Brand with Jamie Shanks

The Importance of Building a Brand with Jamie Shanks

In this podcast you’ll learn the Importance of Building a Brand, thanks to this Respect The Grind Podcast with Jamie Shanks. Technology is getting more and more advanced. Online connections are invaluable. If you’re not keeping up with the changing technology in your...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 18

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 18

  Chapter 18 Rampant Homosexuality: The Pink Elephant In The Room In the modern times, homosexuality has been normalized and widely accepted by the majority of society. Homosexuality has been a constant throughout history, going as far back as ancient times, and...

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College is OVERRATED!

College is OVERRATED!

In this podcast, you will learn how College Is Overrated on my Respect The Grind Podcast with Josh Steimle. It’s the 21st century, that means traditional education is pretty outdated. Free market education is the new wave, and you will find it in your best interest to...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 14

Money People Deal: Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Dead Money. It is proven by science that daily tasks help us become the person we want to become in life, creating energy and success. All of the daily tasks we are taught to do on a daily basis have a special purpose, they feed our spirits and nourish our...

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Strong Women Want An Even Stronger Man

Strong Women Want An Even Stronger Man

In this podcast, I speak with my friend about what it takes to be a strong man in this day and age. I go over the “Hard Times Create Strong Men” theory and why every 20 years the cycle changes. "This podcast showcases an impactful portion of Stefan's life that was...

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Self Made: Confession 15

Self Made: Confession 15

  Confession #15 No One Wants To Date A Broke Guy. Either you like it or not, people will always judge you on your appearance. Aarnio was rejected by a particular girl who was way out of his league every single time he asked her out until he made radical changes...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 17

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 17

  Chapter 17 Why Manipulation and Pickup Artistry Never Work in the Long Run We’ve all been deeply interested in a woman and even though we’ve even nailed a date, it is still hard to read her mind and make a move. Is she interested as well? Should I kiss her now?...

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We Are Entering A TYRANNY

We Are Entering A TYRANNY

This podcast is an important one for you to listen if you are concerned about the political climate and state of the nation in 2020. "This podcast showcases an impactful portion of Stefan's life that was captured on camera.  We want to make sure everyone knows that...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 4.5

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 4.5

Part 4.5 As we come to the end of this audiobook, the best part has arrived to your ears as well: the power of scripting and the perfect sales choreography is here to tell you to stop selling and start serving! If you have listened to the full episodes of this...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 13

Money People Deal: Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Laying Brick or Building a Cathedral A real entrepreneur is a real visionary. From Henry Ford to Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, all of these men had amazing visions that preceded their inventions, and they all changed the world for good. So, what makes two...

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How To Raise Money for Real Estate

How To Raise Money for Real Estate

This podcast shows How to Raise Money for Real Estate with a Reptile Brain. People aren’t swayed by facts. People are swayed by their emotions. Tell a compelling story, and people will respond. "This podcast showcases an impactful portion of Stefan's life that was...

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Self Made: Confession 14

Self Made: Confession 14

  Confession #14 If You Can Sell A Vacuum, You Can Sell Anything! It comes easy for everyone to judge and cringe at certain professions, such as door to door salesmen, especially the vacuum cleaner squad. What is challenging though is to see and acknowledge the...

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Men Can’t Speak Out Anymore

Men Can’t Speak Out Anymore

In this podcast we discuss why Men Can’t Speak Out Anymore. People are going to disagree with you. They’re going to label you, call you out, and troll you on the internet. Should this stop you from having an opinion? No. Should this stop you from making an argument?...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 16

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 16

  Chapter 16 Hypergamy: Everyone Wants To Trade Up Young generations are confused around sex, love, marriage and forming a family. With modern ideas and the rejection of protocols, the committed man-woman relationships are constantly being destroyed by naive and...

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Win the Deal Without Money

Win the Deal Without Money

In this podcast, you will learn what it takes to Win the Deal Without the Money. Realistically, all you could ever dream of is right in front of you, all you have to do is reach out and grab it. Maybe you don’t know all the right steps to take, but that’s okay if...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 4.4

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 4.4

Part 4.4 You’ve been warned by Stefan: Dressing for success is about creating absolutely ZERO reasons why someone would not want to do business with you. After knowing that, he gives you the complete guide to commanding power with your appearance: from facial hair and...

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The SIMPLE FORMULA for Winning Real Estate

The SIMPLE FORMULA for Winning Real Estate

In this podcast, you will learn The SIMPLE FORMULA for Winning in Real Estate. Figure out your ‘why’ for running a business. If you don’t have a why, you won’t figure out the how. What are your core values? Do you value independence and progress? "This podcast...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 12

Money People Deal: Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Becoming Unstoppable Just like any business, the real estate business has a very high failure rate. Believe it or not, 9 out of 10 businesses fail within the first five years. Just like any business, when it comes to real estate investing, there are...

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The Why’ Moment Matters!

The Why’ Moment Matters!

There is always a reason behind getting better and that all starts with just one word; ‘Why.’ Before you hop on to making a kickass strategy for your dream job or business, make sure you have enough answers to your own ‘Why.’ Because this is what is going to fuel your...

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Self Made: Confession 13

Self Made: Confession 13

  Confession #13 Persistence Wins, You Fail Only When You Quit. As Aarnio found himself jobless and hopeless, as he played “businessman” and failed in a miserable way, he started looking for a regular position in Winnipeg, his hometown, during a summer break. He...

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Dealing With 4 Plex HOMES

Dealing With 4 Plex HOMES

What would you do with a burned-down building? If you were completely free of doing whatever you want with it, what would you transform it into? In this podcast, I show you how to deal with a 4 plex and make it a profitable project. Listen to this podcast right now to...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 15

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 15

  Chapter 15 On Selecting A Woman Have you ever stared at your girlfriend for a long time and wondered if she is the one? Don’t you wish there could be some method to evaluate if she is a keeper? Today’s your lucky day because in today’s chapter Stefan formats a...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 4.3

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 4.3

Part 4.3 Listen to Stefan Aarnio as he walks you through the importance of knowing where you fit into the food chain of a company and how different departments can affect the relative case of a sale. It’s all about your brand, marketing and sales. In this section of...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 11

Money People Deal: Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Paying the Price for Success When people ask Stefan Aarnio, “How do I get into real estate investing?” He usually says “work for free”. That’s right, Stefan has built his career in real estate by using more than this first method (find out the rest of them...

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What Type Of House Should You Buy?

What Type Of House Should You Buy?

How do you know what type of house you should buy? There is so much information out there, that it’s difficult to know where and how to get started. Watch this podcast to learn about the different types of people you could target and sell to! My suggestion is to take...

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Self Made: Confession 12

Self Made: Confession 12

    Confession #12  Don’t Quit Your Day Job There is nothing more dangerous than a half-educated man, and even though Stefan Aarnio felt like he was fully educated by virtue of spending thousands of dollars on education, he got it all wrong. He felt he was...

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Does toxic masculinity exist? In this podcast Stefan Aarnio and Logan Paul discuss toxic masculinity on the Impaulsive podcast. There is only masculinity. It's the absence of masculinity that is toxic. Guys these days have daddy issues. They can't take masculine...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 14

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Fun Women Versus Marriageable Women Have you ever wondered how much crazy is too much crazy? And even worse, how much hot is too hot? Every man must stop for a moment and really reflect if a certain woman is true wife material. For this chapter, Stefan...

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Major world events are coming soon. Are you prepared? Listen to this podcast to find out what I think will happen. In 2020, it’s the 80-year cycle of war after World War Two. We could have a civil war… In 2026, it’s the 250 year birthday of the United States. And...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 4.2

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 4.2

Part 4.2 Ready to manage your time and learn step to step the ideal sales day? From waking up at 5AM and starting to feed your mind to going to sleep with the magic of power and infinite intelligence, here are some keys to ongoing success that Stefan Aarnio puts in...

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What makes the man a king? Watch Brad Lea and Stefan Aarnio discuss what makes a good man! I recently jumped on Brad Lea's podcast and we had a good discussion about what makes a good man and what makes a good queen. "This podcast showcases an impactful portion of...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 10

Money People Deal: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Live As a Brand, or Die a Commodity In every market, whether it’s electronics, food, real estate or clothing, Aarnio can assure you something: the market will always attempt to force every single company and product into a commodity. Why? Because...

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Self Made: Confession 11

Self Made: Confession 11

Confession #11 Opportunity Is Hidden in Plain Sight Sometimes it’s starling to see that life-changing lessons can be handed to a room of 400 people on a silver platter, and for Aarnio, it’s ironic that we go searching for wealth - while wealth, riches and opportunity...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 13

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 13

Chapter 13 What Men Want In Women Aarnio knows falling in love is not a choice, however, to stay in love is a choice. In this chapter of Hard Times Create Strong Men, Stefan tells a story of how both women and men take on the traits of their families and how the...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 4.1

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 4.1

Part 4.1 Ready to turn into a pro when it comes to sales? Part four is the real deal, the macro game of closing sale deals. When Stefan Aarnio was only seventeen years, he realized he had a burning desire to sell. His blood was boiling from a very early age, however,...

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Self Made: Confession 10

Self Made: Confession 10

Confession #10 If you Want to be Rich, Work for Free In this confession, Stefan Aarnio had been on the quest to buy an investment property for months, He attended all the classes he could afford, and even some of the classes he couldn’t afford! His ambition and...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 9

Money People Deal: Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Sandman Empire — Build and Empire While You Sleep Even though many entrepreneurs enter the business field alone, as time passes by, we realize that, to achieve real success, everyone needs to build a strong team to move forward and achieve goals and dreams....

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 12

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 12

Chapter 12 How To Live Your Purpose and Give Women What They Really Want For this chapter of Hard Times Create Strong Men, Stefan Aarnio has eight amazing rules to live your own purpose and give women what they really want. Viktor Frankl says that “life is never made...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 3.4

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 3.4

Part 3.4 As humans, we must have a certain amount of power, in order to be happy and get things done in life. In the final section of part 3, we study the 8 elements of power: the power of legitimacy, of prizes, of punishment, of integrity, of charisma, of expertise,...

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Self Made: Confession 9

Self Made: Confession 9

Confession #9 Your First Investment Will Suck By the time you listen to this new confession, you better know that good entrepreneurs put their money to work. But every entrepreneur also has dreams that are bigger than his wallet will allow.  Learn why guaranteed...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 8

Money People Deal: Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Partnerships For Life Lead generation can become very easily one of the biggest expenses for any business out there. It costs nearly seven times more dollars and effort to attract a new client than it does to sell to a pre-existing client. But the question...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 11

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 11

Chapter 11 What Women Want Success is your duty. Economic success can be yours to keep. In this chapter of Hard Times, Aarnio will show you why a man should strive to become as rich and powerful as possible so that he can protect himself, his family, his wife and...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 3.3

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 3.3

Part 3.3 As we finish with the Counterintuitive Nature of the Upsell, Aarnio will narrate to you why he is a firm believer in highly precise language and execution through polished scripts for every single sales presentation he does. Ready to learn all about stock and...

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Self Made: Confession 8

Self Made: Confession 8

Confession #8 Get a Job to Go into $50,000 of Credit Card Debt In this Self-Made Confession, Stefan Aarnio will show you through his story why it is not worth to take a job only for the money, and the importance of working to learn, not to earn. Plus, one of the...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 7

Money People Deal: Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Buy Time and Talent To grow the real estate business further than you desire, you must think outside the box. Stefan bought his first deal at the early age of 23, and he had no cash from the very first day. Every dollar that comes into Stefan’s business is...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 10

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Great Expectations - Why it is Your Duty to Become a Rich and Powerful Man Success is your duty. Economic success can be yours to keep. In this chapter of Hard Times, Aarnio will show you why a man should strive to become as rich and powerful as possible so...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 3.2

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 3.2

Part 3.2 The brain usually runs two separate movies through the mind: a positive one and a negative one. In this episode of The Close, we will learn all about The Action Threshold, and the four ways to lower this when it comes to the selling process. By the time of...

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Self Made: Confession 7

Self Made: Confession 7

Confession #7 You Could be Dealing Drugs for All we Know Successful people are always learning. In this confession, Stefan Aarnio shares the way he feeds his mind and all the different ways you can learn everything about real estate. As a marvelous student, Stefan...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 6

Money People Deal: Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Insider Trading and Why You Need to Do it When it comes to stocks, insider trading might be illegal, but in real estate, it's essential to win the game. And as a real estate investor gets the first chance to purchase a property in a private way, he can...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 9

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 9

Chapter 9 What does it mean to be a man? There is a famous story about the transformation from the boy world to them and the world, and the famous story is called “Jack and the Beanstalk ''. Learn through this tale the 3 pillars of becoming a man: The singing harp,...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 3.1

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 3.1

Part 3.1 In part three of The Close, you’ve finally come to the closing process and its magic. But before we dive in, what does it really mean 'to close'? In this chapter, Aarnio tells us a particular story of two salesmen sitting on by he curb, defeated after a long...

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Self Made: Confession 6

Self Made: Confession 6

Confession #6 Knowledge is the Ticket Out of Poverty Did you know an immigrant is four times more likely to become a millionaire than a native-born American? Shocking, isn’t it? Some people may wonder why immigrants are more likely to become millionaires, but we often...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 5

Money People Deal: Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Risk Tolerance – How Do You Personally Define Risk? Chapter five of the Money People Deal starts with a definition everybody should have as their mantra: risk. All of the definitions involve some form of loss or suffering, but they all have an element of...

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Followers is the New Currency with HighKey Clout

Followers is the New Currency with HighKey Clout

We all know how important social media has become in the last 10 years. Especially when we talk about success, that’s why today’s episode is something special. Luke and Jordan Lintz of Highkey Clout podcast are convinced about something: followers is the new currency....

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 8

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Be Strong But Flexible, Bend Instead Of Breaking What does it mean to be a man? Specifically, to turn from a boy who lives with his mother, in the world of women, the world of the feminine of fun, of games, of play, and then transition into the masculine...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 2 (Continued)

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 2 (Continued)

Part 2 (Continued) Questions are powerful if they are asked with the correct guidance. We have walked through polishing and shaping your communication skills and empowering words inside Part 2 of The Close 7 Level Selling. Once you have mastered the influencing types...

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Self Made: Confession 4

Self Made: Confession 4

Confession #4 He Who Gives The Most Wins Join Stefan Aarnio in this confession, where he shares meeting new people actually related to his own new passion (real estate), how he assisted to seminars, read real-estate material and books with the illusion of meeting the...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 4

Money People Deal: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 The Skills Required to Play the Game After listening to past episodes of Money People Deal, Stefan Arnio it is time to ask you some questions. Do you have the skill sets to effectively raise money for real estate? Seven skillsets sound like a lot to deal...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 7

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Men Solve Problems; Video Games Solve Men Men are wired to solve problems To men, they are a hammer, and every problem is a nail that must be whacked down. Women just want to talk about the nail and how they feel about it; men want to whack the nail. We...

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Mastering your Goal-Setting Skills with Rod Khleif

Mastering your Goal-Setting Skills with Rod Khleif

  As we enter a new decade, we must set spectacular and powerful goals. It’s obvious we can set goals at any time of our lives, but sometimes we need certain motivation to keep the tracks going. What better way to start a new year with an amazing example of goal...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 2

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 2

Part 2 The Art Of A Successful Sales Presentation In this second part of The close 7 Level  Selling, Aarnio presents to us the Anatomy of a Sale in a straight line, and he lets us know that ‘a good sale is straight from open to close, offering no room to get off...

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Self Made: Confession 3

Self Made: Confession 3

Confession #3 My Father Said I would Never Buy a Property Making a million dollars of ambition a reality takes guts, determination, an exercised risk threshold, and a Self Made spirit. If Aarnio didn’t have those, real estate would’ve never become his muse, his lover,...

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From 10K a Year to 10K a Day with Andy Dane

From 10K a Year to 10K a Day with Andy Dane

  What’s up with all the excuses you keep making up for yourself? If you are reading this, you are part of the privileged group with access to the internet in this world, yet you still find the time to complain. If this sounds like you, it’s time to step back and...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 3

Money People Deal: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Money Does Not Equal Wealth Let’s be honest, sometimes we get confused by words and we believe they mean the same thing. Well, guess what? This chapter gives us all the answers we have been looking for when it comes to thinking that cash and credit are the...

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The Comeback of Manhood with Jack Donovan

The Comeback of Manhood with Jack Donovan

  When hard times come to us, we must defend what is ours truly and do not let anyone take it away from us. We are living through a time that is hard for men to stay strong. That is why today’s guest speaks and writes about a topic we are not used to seeing...

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Good Times Create Weak Men with Geoff Hopf

Good Times Create Weak Men with Geoff Hopf

  Are we finally coming to an era where the apocalypse is near and we should be moving to another planet, just like movies have predicted it? Our today’s guest has seen the future multiple times. G Michael Hopf is the author of the acclaimed and international...

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Hard Times Create Strong Women with Joy Villa

Hard Times Create Strong Women with Joy Villa

  For those who think overnight success really exists, there is some news for you: you better get rid of that idea in your head. Behind every artist entering the spotlight and exploding all over media, there are years of effort and struggle, knocking on label...

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Transform Your Workplace Culture With Stan Slap

Transform Your Workplace Culture With Stan Slap

  How do we know when it is time for our companies to grow? How do we know if our managers, employees and clients are doing great with our internal culture and our services? Some may say employees are the workforce, but they are more than that. Today we are...

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Buy a House with a 203k Loan and 3.5% Down Payment

Buy a House with a 203k Loan and 3.5% Down Payment

  Matt Porcaro has been in the real estate business for 5 years now, and like most people, he entered this world looking for the golden ticket: Financial Freedom. 29-year-old Porcaro, soon realized that by entering the workforce, he was never going to achieve the...

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10X Your Life! With Grant Cardone

10X Your Life! With Grant Cardone

Success can come in many forms, but there isn’t a more marvelous way for success to be presented to us than this man: Grant Cardone. For those who don’t know who Grant is, he is an internationally renowned speaker on leadership,...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 6

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The Invention Of The Teenager And De-evolution Into “Emerging Adults” After World War II, a new world order was established with America as the center of the universe. American culture invaded other countries for economic gain, and this made America a world...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 1 (continued)

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 1 (continued)

Part 1 (continued) The opening: The language of selling - 7 Levels of Agreement We all know opportunities come from connecting and being intimate with the people we come into contact with. A situation of this kind can present at work, at home, with our family or...

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Self Made: Confession 2

Self Made: Confession 2

Confession #2 Your Brand New Education Is Obsolete What should we do when we realize our dreams are dead?  Stefan’s rock band sank like the Titanic and with that, he felt empty and exhausted. He didn’t move, didn’t shower and felt like no sleep at all. Some people...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 2

Money People Deal: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The Fastest Way To Real Estate Wealth Stefan started investing at 22. He had no cash, no credit, and most importantly, no credibility of any kind when he started. On his own, he had to learn the skills required to play the game around Money People. “I was a...

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Skills to Get the Deals with Chris Rood

Skills to Get the Deals with Chris Rood

Chris Rood is a 38-year-old Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor who owns 18 million dollars in holdings including Car Washes, oil change and mechanic shops, short-term vacation rentals on the beach, single-family homes, small apartments, land development,...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 5

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Attack of the Man Boys How do we know when a boy becomes a man in this modern society? Without the rites of passage from our ancestors and the struggles of past generations, many of our young children get stuck in the victim mentality and never fully develop...

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The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 1

The Close: 7 Level Selling – Part 1

Part 1 The opening: The language of selling Stefan could feel this passion in his bones. Since he was a teenager, his parents used to push him to get a summer job. They also taught him what it's like to be a hard worker all his life. Later on, he decided to learn how...

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Your Network is Your Net Worth with Sean Kelly

Your Network is Your Net Worth with Sean Kelly

Sean Kelly is an entrepreneur who founded Jersey Champs which makes custom jerseys based on trends and hip-hop culture as well as original designs. Sean launched Jersey Champs in May 2016 out of his college dorm room at Rutgers University. He started with $1,000 and...

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Self Made: Confession 1

Self Made: Confession 1

Confession #1 Follow Your Dreams (Cancelled) What does it take to make that million dollars of ambition a reality? At the age of fifteen, Aarnio had a youthful dream to be had a rockstar while watching his parents work on traditional jobs. They told him to enter...

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Money People Deal: Chapter 1

Money People Deal: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 The Four Fastest Ways to Profit In order to know to win any game, you must first know all the rules. If you don’t know the rules, it is practically impossible to win the game. In this first chapter of Money, People, Deal, Stefan shares the four fastest ways...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 4

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 4

Good men are not nice men. A good man is the one who gets the job done, and sometimes this may require the use of strength and power. This is why a “nice man” can never be a leader, because it is a form of weakness. Men and women are always on the lookout for strong...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 3

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 3

What does it mean to be a man? A man’s purpose is his work and any man that shies away from work or doesn’t take his work seriously is… unmanly. Making the leap from good to great comes down to having a mission and being driven enough to make it happen. Achieving your...

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Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapters 1-2

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapters 1-2

What is wrong with masculinity in modern-day society? A generation of snowflakes raised by television and a lack of purpose in a world devoid of hardships has driven our culture meaningless and vicious. The lack of mentors and father figures has brought up men that...

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The most banned woman on the internet, Laura Loomer

The most banned woman on the internet, Laura Loomer

Laura Loomer Laura is a Jewish Conservative investigative journalist and activist. Originally from Tucson, Arizona, Laura began her journalism career working as an undercover journalist for Project Veritas from 2015-2017. Laura’s investigations have uncovered fraud...

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Storming, norming, performing with Kory MacKinnon

Storming, norming, performing with Kory MacKinnon

Kory MacKinnon A former Corporate Trainer, and National Level athlete from small-town Sarnia, Ontario, Kory was able to able to use decades of Business and Competition work-ethic, habits and mindset to escape the Rat Race in his 30's with…Real Estate.  What started...

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From SEO to ALL parts of the funnel with Dan Shure

From SEO to ALL parts of the funnel with Dan Shure

Dan Shure Dan is a 10+ year SEO/Marketer. His business Evolving SEO has grown YoY for 5+ years. He has helped clients grow their organic traffic 10x-20x with his SEO and content marketing strategies. He also interviews guests like Rand Fishkin on his Podcast, Experts...

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Why positivity matters with Ryan Serhant

Why positivity matters with Ryan Serhant

Ryan Serhant Ryan is an American real estate broker, bestselling author, producer, and star of Bravo’s two-time Emmy Nominated reality television series, Million Dollar Listing New York, and its spin-off, Sell It Like Serhant....

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Guaranteed Sold Programs with ALLAN ASPLIN

Guaranteed Sold Programs with ALLAN ASPLIN

Allan Asplin Allan is a Winnipeg known successful Real Estate Agent who in this podcast discusses what his company does and how he has gotten to where he is today. Allan provides tips on how to stand out in the industry and become successful in life. Allan is a...

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The best volume to trade with TIM SYKES

The best volume to trade with TIM SYKES

Tim Sykes Tim Sykes is an extremely successful stock investor who turned his Bar Mitzvah money into millions of dollars. Tim has taken what he knows and has learned and now helps his students become successful and wealthy. He stresses in this podcast the importance of...

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Your road to success with JAMEY MROZ

Your road to success with JAMEY MROZ

Jamey Mroz Jamey Mroz is a Success Coach that brings his past experience with coaching in the NFL to help coach with people in a business. Jamey talks about how important your drive is as an individual and getting over your feelings and excuses. His coaching helps his...

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“The burn will heal” with MIKE ZELLER

“The burn will heal” with MIKE ZELLER

Mike Zeller Mike Zeller is a very successful multiple business owner and a master in his zone of genius. Collectively Mike’s businesses have done more than $300 million in sales in the last 10 years. He invested in and started 9 different businesses in a variety of...

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Randy Gage "The future is always here It's just not evenly distributed! The future of education is thought-leaders!" Society is looking for people who can interpret and analyze the data and do the critical thinking! Randy Gage is a thought-provoking critical thinker...

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How Social Media Made me Rich with MATTHEW LOOP

How Social Media Made me Rich with MATTHEW LOOP

#90 How Social Media Made me Rich with MATTHEW LOOP. Dr. Matthew Loop is the international best selling author of Social Media Made Me Rich: Here's How it Can Do the Same for You, a Harvard / Nasdaq speaker, philanthropist, and the highest paid social media revenue...

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Respect the grind podcast with PAUL DAVID

Respect the grind podcast with PAUL DAVID

Paul David Stefan: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show. Respect the Grind with Stefan Aarnio. This is the show where we interview people who have achieved mastery and freedom through discipline. We interview entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, artists, real estate...

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Respect the grind podcast with JEFF BERWICK

Respect the grind podcast with JEFF BERWICK

Jeff Berwick Stefan: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show, Respect The Grind, with Stefan Aarnio. This is the show where we interview people who achieve mastery and freedom through discipline. We interview entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, artists, real estate...

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Respect the grind podcast with TYLER HARRIS

Respect the grind podcast with TYLER HARRIS

Tyler Harris   Stefan: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show Respect The Grind with Stefan Aarnio. This is show where we interview people who have achieved mastery and freedom through discipline. We interview entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, artists, real...

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Respect the grind podcast with BRYAN CASELLA

Respect the grind podcast with BRYAN CASELLA

Stefan: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show, Respect The Grind, with Stefan Aarnio. This is the show we interview people who've achieved mastery and freedom through discipline. We interview entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, artists, real estate investors, anyone...

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How to make money in real estate with MARK SALERNO

How to make money in real estate with MARK SALERNO

Mark Salerno Mark Salerno, Broker of Record, Euromart Realty Ltd. Brokerage. Growing up in and around the real estate business, becoming a Real Estate Broker was always a dream of Mark Salerno’s. In 1980, Mark’s father, Mario Salerno opened Euromart Realty, a small,...

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How Divorce Affects Wealth Management

How Divorce Affects Wealth Management

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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Amy Morin

Amy Morin

 Amy Morin is a psychotherapist and international bestselling author of books on mental strength. Her TEDx talk, The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong, is one of the most viewed talks of all time. She’s been dubbed the “self-help guru of the moment,” by The Guardian...

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Are House Flippers EVIL?

Are House Flippers EVIL?

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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How To Create Positive Self Image

How To Create Positive Self Image

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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Thom Shea

Thom Shea

(Ret.) Senior Chief Thom Shea is the CEO of Adamantine Alliance, a unique leadership and demanding human performance training organization. Thom is an executive consultant to the fortune 500 businesses. Thom has trained 100s of individuals to date to master what he...

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Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Chris is the author of His mission in life is to demonstrate that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to create a world class ecommerce business or have a sophisticated marketing operation. Chris started in his late 20s, creating an ecommerce business...

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John Haime

John Haime

John Haime is a Human Performance Coach who prepares performers to be their very best by helping them tap into the elusive 10% of their abilities that will elevate them to the top. This is something that anyone with a goal craves and John Haime knows how to get...

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5 Must Have Skills of a Millionaire

5 Must Have Skills of a Millionaire

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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Shawn Allen

Shawn Allen

 Shawn began his real estate investing career in 2007, utilizing his private residence as his first rental. That same year he purchased his first property to be used as a buy, renovate and sell property. Since that time, Shawn has done many different types of Real...

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Sua Truong

Sua Truong

Sua Truong was born in Can Tho, Vietnam (1970-). His family fled to Thailand during the Communist take-over of South Vietnam in 1979. He and his family was eventually sponsored to Canada in the fall of 1980 to start over. Sua believes that success comes to those who...

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Clayton Morris

Clayton Morris

Clayton Morris is the Former FOX News anchor who left television after achieving financial freedom. Now he devotes himself to helping other people build passive income and achieve financial freedom. He runs a turnkey real estate company called Morris Invest. Clayton...

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Bruce Firestone

Bruce Firestone

 Bruce M Firestone is best known as an entrepreneur and founder of NHL hockey team, the Ottawa Senators, their home arena, Canadian Tire Centre, and the Ottawa Senators Foundation, a children's charity, as well as a real estate investment coach, consultant and...

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Michael Bull

Michael Bull

 Michael Bull, CCIM, founder and CEO of Bull Realty, is an active commercial real estate advisor. He is a licensed broker in nine southeast states and has assisted clients with over 5 billion dollars of transactions over his 30 year career. Mr. Bull founded Bull...

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Gallant Dill

Gallant Dill

Gallant Dill is an award winning serial entrepreneur and is sought after for his marketing and business experience. Gallant is an advisor/consultant to hundreds of business owners ranging from startups to multi-million dollar conglomerates. By the time he was 23, he...

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Andy Crestodina

Andy Crestodina

 Andy has been in the web design and interactive marketing space since January of 2000. In that time, he’s helped thousands of people do a better job getting results online. He’s a true evangelist for content marketing and ethical digital marketing. Together with the...

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Ben the Humble Wholesaler

Ben the Humble Wholesaler

Ben Muresan, aka, “Humble Wholesaler”, has been a Canadian Real Estate Investor for 12 years. Ben moved to Canada in 1991, originally born in communist Romania. Ben jumped in to real estate in 2009 at the height of the economic downturn. Over the past decade, Ben has...

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Avoid These 2 Types of People or SUFFER

Avoid These 2 Types of People or SUFFER

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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Ted Rubin

Ted Rubin

Ted is a leading Social Marketing Strategist, Photofy CMO/Advisor, MC/Host of Brand Innovators Monthly Summits… Speaker/Author/Provocateur. In March 2009 he started using and evangelizing the term ROR, Return on Relationship™, hashtag #RonR…. a concept he believes is...

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Jay Gabrani

Jay Gabrani

Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jay’s entrepreneurial flame was fanned on a 1987 trip where he saw firsthand the successful business his grandfather built. "The only way to be truly free is to own your own business” his grandfather told him. This...

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Brandon Elliott

Brandon Elliott

 Brandon Elliott went from house arrest to buy and hold investor with investment properties out of state that have a 60%+ CCR.Encourages daily personal development and fulfilling your purpose. Advocate of financial awareness and time management skills becoming...

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Michael Blank

Michael Blank

Through his company Nighthawk Equity, Michael Blank controls over $65 million in performing multifamily assets all over the United States. In addition to investing nationwide, he teaches others how to do their first apartment building deal through tons of free content...

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Is Real Estate Coaching A Scam?

Is Real Estate Coaching A Scam?

Looking to grow a real estate empire but don’t know where to start? Pick up a copy of Money, People, Deal by Stefan Aarnio for only $3.95 at To get exclusive podcast listener only offers for the 100K Challenge (like a free hotel room...

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Les Evans

Les Evans

70 major world cities, 5 continents. Les is an Elite transformational mentor to media celebrities, rockstars, movie stars, olympic athletes, high level politicians, millionaires, billionaires, royalty, top shelf executives & entrepreneurs.   Stefan Aarnio:...

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Alexis Assadi

Alexis Assadi

 Alexis Assadi is an investor, entrepreneur and advocate for building multiple revenue streams. At age 26 he became financially free - where his passive income exceeded his expenses. After his first investment of $1,000 at the age of 19 in a mutual fund, he became...

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Brad & Kaitlyn Blair

Brad & Kaitlyn Blair

 Kaitlyn and Brad Blair are the owners of Spruce Homes. Based in Saskatoon, SK they work to revitalize neighbourhoods through renovation and infill projects. Their passion is building and renovating unique spaces that suit their client’s needs and they take pride in...

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John Sneisen

John Sneisen

 John Sneisen grew up in Norway and says he had been brainwashed by the collectivist agenda until he was awakened by a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki (a member of the Freedom Force Hall of Honor). John now is a passionate adevocate of...

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Jim Padilla

Jim Padilla

Jim is a Master Sales Trainer, an Expert Team Builder and a Launch Expert. With more than 20 years experience in building teams and leading them to success Jim has a solid track record of achieving results! More than that, Jim is a launch expert! He and his team have...

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Sime Sandhu

Sime Sandhu

 Sime Sandhu graduated in 2001 with a bachelors in aviation science and then went on to fly as a commercial pilot both in Canada and India. In 2009 he returned permenantly to Canada, frustrated with the lifestyle of the aviation industry. With an interest in...

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James Dmytriw

James Dmytriw

James Dmytriw is a real estate investor with an educational background that includes a degree in Environmental Design, specializing in Landscape and Urbanism from the faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba. He is extremely involved in Building Science...

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Old Jewish Wisdom For Business Success

Old Jewish Wisdom For Business Success

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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Avoid the Time Vampires

Avoid the Time Vampires

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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Dan Nagy

Dan Nagy

Daniel Nagy is an active Real Estate Investor and founder of Emmett Leo Homes. Daniel is based in Winnipeg MB and involved in community programs and volunteer organizations. He is a member of multiple local real estate Investor networks, which focuse on investing...

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Why Certain Types of Poverty Are A Trap

Why Certain Types of Poverty Are A Trap

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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Being Broke Is TEMPORARY

Being Broke Is TEMPORARY

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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How the Rich INVENT Money – Not WORK For It

How the Rich INVENT Money – Not WORK For It

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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Is Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency a SCAM?

Is Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency a SCAM?

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real...

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Childhood Schooling Was Just Babysitting You!

Childhood Schooling Was Just Babysitting You!

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award.He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real Estate...

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How To Stop Chasing Shiny Objects

How To Stop Chasing Shiny Objects

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award.He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real Estate...

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Having Second Thoughts About Your Career?

Having Second Thoughts About Your Career?

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award.He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real Estate...

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Are You Done Dabbling in Real Estate

Are You Done Dabbling in Real Estate

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award.He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real Estate...

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Did Your Parents Lie to You?

Did Your Parents Lie to You?

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award.He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real Estate...

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Why College is a SCAM

Why College is a SCAM

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award.He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real Estate...

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Media is King

Media is King

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award.He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real Estate...

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Your Day Job is a PRISON!

Your Day Job is a PRISON!

Stefan Aarnio is an award winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and winner of the 2014 Rich Dad International Hall of Fame award.He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine named him one of the Top 10 Real Estate...

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Paul Rogers

Paul Rogers

 Paul Rogers is originally from St. Louis, Missouri and moved to Sacramento, California in May of 2006. He was a fireman in St. Louis for 17 years and retired 5 years ago. He now invests in real estate, owns his own fitness business and also mentors both real estate...

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Humberto Kauffmann

Humberto Kauffmann

 Humberto Kauffmann started weight lifting at the age of 17 with a desire to increase muscle mass and strength. He quickly became interested in the art of Bodybuilding and realized that it was much more than just lifting weights and that if he wanted to progress, the...

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Erwin Szeto

Erwin Szeto

For years Erwin Szeto, along with his team, have been working hand-in-hand with real estate investors from all over Ontario to invest in St. Catharines real estate and its surrounding areas.

What started with a couple investments has grown into hundreds of residential investment properties worth tens of millions to our clients.

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Travis Howard

Travis Howard

 Download Now! Successful entrepreneur and real estate investor since 1999 buying and selling residential and commercial properties. Elite Trainer and Elite Mentor for Robert Kiyosaki as an independent contractor, lastly a Consultant and Coach for companies that want...

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Marco Robert

Marco Robert

 Download Now! Marco Robert is an international business consultant and an inspirational speaker. Whether he’s shining on stage in front of thousands of people in Florida, advising members of a board of directors in South Africa, or coaching the CEO of a company in...

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Jack Donovan

Jack Donovan

 Download Now! Jack Donovan is the author of the The Way of Men — a straightforward, politically incorrect theory of masculinity that became an underground hit around the world. He has appeared as a guest on The Art of Manliness, The Art of Charm, Mating Grounds,...

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Dave Dubeau

Dave Dubeau

Dave Dubeau is a Real Estate Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Investor Attraction Expert based in Kamloops, B.C. Canada. He began his real estate investing career in 2003 doing 18 ‘creative’ flips in 18 months. He later switched his focus to client-first rent to own deals, and nowadays he invests in multi-family (apartment building) properties. For the last several years Dave has been the World’s #1 Investor Attraction “Imple-Mentor”. Using his proprietary 5 Step Investor Attraction Process, Dave helps his real estate entrepreneur clients to grow their portfolios significantly and in record time.

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Jason Parker

Jason Parker

20-plus years of training and commitment has rewarded Jason with hundreds of honors and successes. “I raced in 65 World Cups and 10 World Championships – over 130 international races overall.” (making Jason one of the most accomplished and experienced speed skaters in Canadian history).

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Majeed Mogharreban

Majeed Mogharreban

Before the age of 21, Majeed Mogharreban owned and sold five successful businesses and traveled to 24 countries.

In the past 7 years, he has mentored hundreds of business owners, including a two-time Olympic gold medalist and MVP professional football player.

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Jay Fiset

Jay Fiset

Best selling author, student of human nature, avid outdoorsman at 5 star hotels, speaks fluent smart ass, can see and reflect your life mission in 5 minutes flat, loves having 2 sons so he can play with their toys, still fantasizes about his wife after 25 years, loves ideas, but loves results even more, can simultaneously laugh and cry for different reasons at the same time, has never been star struck (but did not get a chance to meet martin Luther King, and there would have been teenage girl screaming if he had).

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Balazs W. Kardos

Balazs W. Kardos

Balazs is passionate about teaching people about preventative health, wealth and limitless freedom. He has a track record of success and mentors those who are ready the same principles he has used to retire his Mom & Fiancé in under 18 months, earn multiple 6 figures a year and have the unlimited freedom lifestyle we all desire.

Since 2013 he figured out how and has helped over 10,000 people in 35+ countries, his organization today is doing over $1,000,000 per month in sales helping people just like you break free from the rat race and create a life by their own design.

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Darren Jacklin

Darren Jacklin

For over 23 years, Darren Jacklin has travelled 4 continents and personally trained and developed over 1 million people in over 46 countries.

He has mentored entrepreneurs and business owners on specific and measurable strategies. These strategies have then been implemented into businesses to increase income, transform obstacles into cash flow and turn passion into profits.

Darren has an uncanny ability to increase wealth and success by uncovering hidden assets, overlooked opportunities and undervalued possibilities.

His talent has captured the attention of Tiger 21, Family Offices, The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, NBC TV, CBS TV, CTV, CBC, Global TV, international radio stations, magazines and newspapers, movie producers, best-selling authors, CEO’s and business experts worldwide.

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Aaron Adams

Aaron Adams

Aaron Adams has been a full-time real estate investor since leaving his job teaching High School Spanish in the early 2000s. He has purchased thousands of properties in California, Indiana, Missouri, Texas, Florida, Idaho, Nevada, North Carolina and Illinois. Aaron has purchased several thousand properties with a particular focus on single family homes in blue collar and middle class neghborhoods.

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Mark McKoy

Mark McKoy

Mark broke onto the scene at the age of 18, qualifying for the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow (which were boycotted).
At age 20, he represented Canada at the Commonwealth Games in Brisbane, Australia, 1982, and won the Gold Medal in the 110-metre hurdles in a Canadian and Commonwealth record.

He repeated this achievement at the Commonwealth Games, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1986, once again setting a new Canadian and Commonwealth record.

In 1984, qualifying for the Olympics a second time, Mark finished a close 4th in Los Angeles, setting numerous Canadian records on the route.

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Ross Alex

Ross Alex

Ross is a full time real estate entrepreneur who made a life changing decision two and a half years ago to drop out of college, move from New York to Houston and quit his bartending job to create a real estate business. He did his first fix and flip two months into getting started and two and a half years later he has already done fifty fix and flips and built a solid team that is growing rapidly. He has also raised millions of dollars in private capital to buy deals.

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Raymond Aaron

Raymond Aaron

Raymond Aaron, has committed his life to teaching people how to dramatically change their lives for the better. Raymond transforms lives by helping people tap into their own potential.

He is the author of 10 best-selling books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love and the co-author of New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul and author of the Canadian best-seller, Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul. He is also an avid adventurer having completed one of the world’s toughest races, Polar Race (a 350 mile foot race to the Magnetic North Pole). This trek to the North Pole has inspired his newest title, How You Can Get Rich Without Getting Cold.

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Epic Alliance

Epic Alliance

Epic Alliance empowers you, the investor, to have a consistent passive income and complete peace of mind by utilizing the power of real estate in Saskatchewan. You as an investor can reside in any city of Canada and still hugely benefit from the booming real estate market in Saskatchewan.

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Anthony Lolli

Anthony Lolli

The son of an Ecuadorian immigrant and a first-generation Italian American WWII veteran-turned-schoolteacher, Anthony grew up poor in Brooklyn, NY. When he was just six years old, he made his mother a promise that he would make their family wealthy one day. And to her credit, she never let him forget it. That promise lit a fire under Anthony that led him to get his real estate license at age 19. By 23, he was a millionaire with his own brokerage, Rapid Realty NYC, and a growing portfolio of rental properties to his name.

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Alan Schnur

Alan Schnur

Alan has successfully produced an impressive real estate portfolio while building a company that reached more than 200 employees. After investing in a few single-family rental homes, he realized he could apply the same principles and techniques to larger properties and achieve much greater financial returns.

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Victor Menasce

Victor Menasce

Victor Menasce has raised several hundred million dollars for ventures, corporate buy-outs and real estate projects. As a fulltime real estate developer, he raises funds on a daily basis. Conventional wisdom is that raising capital uses sales technique. Victor strongly disagrees. Nobody likes to be sold. His authentic approach appeals to investors and entrepreneurs who take fiduciary responsibility seriously.

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Robin Elliott

Robin Elliott

Robin Elliott started helping individuals, professionals, and the owners of small and large businesses to use Joint Ventures and collaborative, leveraged marketing to create financial freedom in 1987. He is the author of 15 books, and he presents seminars across North America and the United Kingdom.

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Jon Simcoe

Jon Simcoe

Jon Simcoe has been investing in real estate since 2005. In the beginning, he used his own money, and learned a lot of lessons. Today, he regularly does real estate deals using none of his own money. He has learned how to own or control over $25,000,000 worth of real estate.

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Britnie Turner

Britnie Turner

Britnie Turner founded Aerial in 2009 at the age of 21 with the mission of elevating people and places. Britnie has since formed multiple companies under the Aerial brand, all accelerating the mission by empowering people, sustaining the planet and utilizing capitalism as a force for good. Through the success of her companies, Britnie is resetting the standard of what is possible for women and young people across the globe and has won several national and international awards for speed of growth, innovation and trajectory. Aerial’s commitment to a triple bottom line approach is proving that conscious business is not only viable but the way of the future.

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Nico Sanchez

Nico Sanchez

Nico Sanchez is an acclaimed real estate investment coach, mentor and motivational speaker; He is the co-founder and President of DS Realty Solutions Ltd. and President of The Greater Than Group, a Multi Divisional Private Equity Real Estate Investment Company. Nico’s Mission and Vision is to help you create wealth through strategic real estate investments and to spearhead humanitarian campaigns worldwide and to motivate, inspire and drive others to achieve more!

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Frank McKinney

Frank McKinney

Frank McKinney, a true modern day Renaissance man: Real Estate Artist, 6-time International Bestselling Author (in 5 genres), Philanthro-Capitalist, Ultramarathoner, Actor, and Aspirational Speaker who sees opportunities and creates markets where none existed before.

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Tammy Kling

Tammy Kling

Tammy Kling is a bestselling author who teaches others that “words are currency.” Her TEDx talk, describes how your words can change and even save lives. Tammy often coaches celebrities, athletes and CEOs through the book process.

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Dan Lok

Dan Lok

Dan Lok, a.k.a The King of High-Ticket Sales, is one of the highest-paid and in-demand consultants in the real estate and high-ticket space. Dan has an inspirational story that resonates around the globe.

The Dan Lok brand is a global movement with one mission: To empower 1,000,000 entrepreneurs to become successful in life and in business.

Dan is one of the extremely rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures.

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Douglas Vermeeren

Douglas Vermeeren

Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first-hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. Doug has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern-day Napoleon Hill.
In addition, Doug is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.)

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Paul Kazanofski

Paul Kazanofski

Paul “Paulie” Kazanofski is one of the top real estate investors in the U.S. as well as a highly successful entrepreneur, author, speaker, and TV personality. He has been featured on A & E’s Bid, Build and Design and he has been the subject of a documentary called the 24-hour entrepreneur. Paulie was also a World Champion Kickboxer and he carries that intensity that he had in the ring right over into his work as an entrepreneur as well as when he coaches others on how to become successful real estate investors and entrepreneurs.

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Shawn Shewchuk

Shawn Shewchuk

Shawn Shewchuk is described as the #1 results coach in the country. Founder of “Change Your Results”, Shawn works hard to help people create change and optimize the results in their life. When many of North America’s high achievers seek a strategic expert to assist them in the achievement and acceleration their results, they typically seek out or are introduced to Shawn Shewchuk. Shawn Shewchuk is committed to studying, understanding and helping others achieve more, in less time. If you want to better your life, your career or business, and of course your results, you need to meet Shawn.

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