Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Chapter 37 The $1,000 Hot Dog and the Genius Behind It. It is better to sell one $1,000 hot dog than to sell one thousand $1 hot dogs. That’s why Stefan Aarnio chose to get into real estate. Selling one hot dog for $1,000 makes so much more profit, requires less...
Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Money People Deal: Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Why Flippers Are Losers and the 15 Percent Rule. Flipping real estate is one of the most sensationalized forms of real estate investing around today. This is a very popular and romanticized real estate strategy, but many flippers are uneducated,...
What Type Of House Should You Buy?

What Type Of House Should You Buy?

How do you know what type of house you should buy? There is so much information out there, that it’s difficult to know where and how to get started. Watch this podcast to learn about the different types of people you could target and sell to! My suggestion is to take...