Money People Deal: Chapter 26

Money People Deal: Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Why the Best Deals Are Created and Cannot Be Bought. Stefan Arnio often hears people complain about deals: “You can’t do that here”, “There aren’t any deals where I live”. The truth is that deals are everywhere if you are trained to see them. Yes, it is...
Self Made: Confession 28

Self Made: Confession 28

  Confession #28 Secret #1: You Must Become a Fantastic Marketer. What’s the lifeblood of any business? Errr, wrong, not money! Leads! So many businesses struggle or go bankrupt because they don’t have enough leads walking in the door or the phone doesn’t ring...
Money People Deal: Chapter 26

Money People Deal: Chapter 25

Chapter 25 The Law of Certainty and the Twenty-One Steps to a JV Deal. While some people believe in luck, Stefan Aarnio believes in the law of certainty: certain things done in a certain way will achieve certain results certainly! In order to raise money for a real...