

USD Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.

NOTE: This is a DIGITAL product.

In “Self Made” you’ll discover:

  • How I started at age 22, with $1200 in cash and became a self-made millionaire by 28
  • How I raised capital for my first deals
  • My failures and how you can avoid them!
  • Tips for creating cash-flowing assets
  • How to make $5,000 or more per deal as a “wholesaler”
  • And much much more!
SKU: 1002 Categories: , ,

More details

First of all, this isn’t like any business book you’ve ever read. There’s no fluff or filler – just battle-tested tactics that are working right nowAnd it’s FUN to read. You can read it in a weekend (or an afternoon if you’re an avid reader).

And It’s About MORE Than Just Real Estate.

See, you can use the same system in this book to improve all sorts of aspects of your life, business, and investing.

You’ll be swept up in my true story of a twenty-something failed musician turned award winning investor! I walk you step-by-step through my first deals and how YOU can do it too without any of your own cash or credit (and without any experience).

Page Reveals

Get swept up in the true story of a twenty-something failed musician turned award winning investor! He walks you step-by-step through his first deals and how YOU can do it too without any of your own cash or credit (and without any experience).
Contains 33 raw confessions and 160+ proven tips!
Exciting, Controversial, And 100% True! Full of practical wealth-building tips and outrageous stories of a young millionaire like…

I was taken hostage by a 60 year old hoarder during a $420,000 deal (I had stepped deep into sh!t, but the real smell of money is stinky, read proof on pages #129-132)

Exorcism for newbies (page #123 reveals how far I had to go to get a deal done)
The REAL secret behind Warren Buffet’s and Donald Trump’s business models (page #171)

Was Slash from Guns & Roses right? I put his philosophy to the test on page #13 (with “guest appearances” from The Rolling Stones, Van Halen, and Iggy Pop)

You’ve probably “inherited” 3 big problems from your parents, just like I did (but on page #24 I’ll show you how to succeed despite those issues just like me)

Starvation has forced people in India & China to harvest your jobs (it’s true and I’ll show you what to do about it on page #35)

My first potential deal was crushed by a cold banker on page #41 but that lit a lightbulb in my head that changed my life forever (and funded all my deals since)

I’m ashamed of what I did in hotel basements on page #65 (but I finally broke my addiction — and YOU can too)

The most sustainable and simple model for “no money down” real estate in Canada (what I reveal on page #98 changed my life forever)

Why you should avoid “sexy” deals (ya, they SEEM fun and profitable, but rarely are, check out page #152)

I left my credit card number on a napkin for the best $10,000 I ever spent in my life (plus 8 rules for real estate entrepreneurs all on pages #138-140)

How a $100,000 check was held for ransom by a contractor (and what I had to do to get it back all on page #127)


My 9 steps to early retirement on (pages #115-116)

It’s surprisingly easy to raise money for deal if you know what to say (I’ll show the line I used to raise funds for your new business and more on page #113)

When it comes to contractors “3” is the magic number (I learned this the hard way — you’ll find out the easy way on page #122

I skipped 3 vital steps on my journey and it cost me time, money, and happiness (you’ll discover which steps you should NEVER skip on page #156)

4 secrets I wish someone had told me sooner (page #163)

If you need to see how even new entrepreneurs get to $15,000 per real estate deal (or more) in profit then study pages #164-166

How I raised capital for my first deals and many since (pages #172-175)

But it gets better because you’re also getting …

My playbook for becoming a cash millionaire in 2 years (the system fits on a napkin, see for yourself on page #176)

Were YOU Born To Be RICH? Maybe. You are 4-times more likely to become a millionaire if you are one of these (I’ll reveal what on page #43, but don’t worry if you don’t fit the bill because I’ll show you how to improve your chances of getting rich no matter what your experience level or financial situation is)

Already experienced? Read my 7 tips for creating “cash-flowing assets” (#4 will help you spot trends early, it’s on page #169)

Flip to page #159 if you’re “book smart” about real estate but don’t know where to actually get started (you’ll see the fast way some of my readers use make $500 over and over again and build a $9,000 per month business without ever buying a house)

Bend Bankers To Your Will, Ethically. The “magic trick” I used to have every bank suddenly want to lend me money (as well as my “blitz” tactic for raising funds — both revealed on page #55)

Wholesale Houses? How to make $5,000 or more per deal as a “wholesaler” (yes, they exist even in real estate, see page #162 for more)

Reviews of “SELF MADE” From Readers.

“Frankly Stefan Aarnio pisses me off…Why? He’s so damn smart (and wise) for such a young guy! Joking aside, if you are looking for an example of how to start with nothing and reach your dreams FAST, “Self Made” will help you do exactly that…become ‘Self Made’. Read it. Get inspired by it. Then go out and DO it!”
Dave Dubeau

Real Estate Investor, Trainer, Author.

“Self Made is easy to read and a guide for anyone wishing to go from zero to millionaire.” 
Douglas Vermeeren

Author of Guerrilla Achiever

“Stop and listen. Stefan Aarnio expresses ideas in a way that will make you understand. His story is inspiring and he delivers value, plain and simple.” 
Jason Greschuk

President of Stratford Price

“Self Made delivers financial wisdom wrapped in an entertaining story!” 
Quentin D’Souza

Author of The Ultimate Wealth Strategy

“If you want a starting point with easy to follow examples and a step-by-step guide for how to make money in Real Estate, then this is a fantastic read… Stefan’s “Self Made Lessons” at the end of each chapter should be written onto yellow sticky notes and taped all over your home and office. Informative and engaging read!”
Aaron Adams

Alpine Capital Solutions

“Self Made is a well deserved title for Stefan’s new book. Unlike many business authors of today, Stefan is a true operator who actively practices what he preaches and has learned the unique, challenging and valuable lessons that it takes to truly become a self made entrepreneur.” 
Dean Sutton

President Sutton Industries

“Most money books are a snore-fest, this one held my attention right until the end!” 
Shelly Hagen

Di-Rae Developments

Stefan Aarnio is a great story teller and has a fantastic story to tell. Many can learn from his mistakes and successes in Self Made.”
Tony Jeary


“WOW; I enjoyed Stefan’s first book; this one is even better! In Self-Made, Stefan made me relive his entrepreneurial journey – mine was very similar – all with emotional hurdles, mentors’ guidance and timeless business lessons. If you are thinking of starting a business, this book is like a telescope that gives you a glance into your future. It shows you how to prepare for the events to come and how to overcome entrepreneurial obstacles. As I always say: ‘Business is Simple; Entrepreneurs are Delusional!’. Stefan really conquered the delusion, his journey and his successes are proofs of it. This book is a must read for all would-be-entrepreneurs!” 
Marco Robert

Author of The Business Intervention

“Stefan’s book will help all entrepreneurs to ignite their dreams”
Tammy Kling

bestselling author



USD Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.

NOTE: This is a DIGITAL product.

In “Self Made” you’ll discover:

  • How I started at age 22, with $1200 in cash and became a self-made millionaire by 28
  • How I raised capital for my first deals
  • My failures and how you can avoid them!
  • Tips for creating cash-flowing assets
  • How to make $5,000 or more per deal as a “wholesaler”
  • And much much more!
SKU: 1002 Categories: , ,

More details

First of all, this isn’t like any business book you’ve ever read. There’s no fluff or filler – just battle-tested tactics that are working right nowAnd it’s FUN to read. You can read it in a weekend (or an afternoon if you’re an avid reader).

And It’s About MORE Than Just Real Estate.

See, you can use the same system in this book to improve all sorts of aspects of your life, business, and investing.

You’ll be swept up in my true story of a twenty-something failed musician turned award winning investor! I walk you step-by-step through my first deals and how YOU can do it too without any of your own cash or credit (and without any experience).

Page Reveals

Get swept up in the true story of a twenty-something failed musician turned award winning investor! He walks you step-by-step through his first deals and how YOU can do it too without any of your own cash or credit (and without any experience).
Contains 33 raw confessions and 160+ proven tips!
Exciting, Controversial, And 100% True! Full of practical wealth-building tips and outrageous stories of a young millionaire like…

I was taken hostage by a 60 year old hoarder during a $420,000 deal (I had stepped deep into sh!t, but the real smell of money is stinky, read proof on pages #129-132)

Exorcism for newbies (page #123 reveals how far I had to go to get a deal done)
The REAL secret behind Warren Buffet’s and Donald Trump’s business models (page #171)

Was Slash from Guns & Roses right? I put his philosophy to the test on page #13 (with “guest appearances” from The Rolling Stones, Van Halen, and Iggy Pop)

You’ve probably “inherited” 3 big problems from your parents, just like I did (but on page #24 I’ll show you how to succeed despite those issues just like me)

Starvation has forced people in India & China to harvest your jobs (it’s true and I’ll show you what to do about it on page #35)

My first potential deal was crushed by a cold banker on page #41 but that lit a lightbulb in my head that changed my life forever (and funded all my deals since)

I’m ashamed of what I did in hotel basements on page #65 (but I finally broke my addiction — and YOU can too)

The most sustainable and simple model for “no money down” real estate in Canada (what I reveal on page #98 changed my life forever)

Why you should avoid “sexy” deals (ya, they SEEM fun and profitable, but rarely are, check out page #152)

I left my credit card number on a napkin for the best $10,000 I ever spent in my life (plus 8 rules for real estate entrepreneurs all on pages #138-140)

How a $100,000 check was held for ransom by a contractor (and what I had to do to get it back all on page #127)


My 9 steps to early retirement on (pages #115-116)

It’s surprisingly easy to raise money for deal if you know what to say (I’ll show the line I used to raise funds for your new business and more on page #113)

When it comes to contractors “3” is the magic number (I learned this the hard way — you’ll find out the easy way on page #122

I skipped 3 vital steps on my journey and it cost me time, money, and happiness (you’ll discover which steps you should NEVER skip on page #156)

4 secrets I wish someone had told me sooner (page #163)

If you need to see how even new entrepreneurs get to $15,000 per real estate deal (or more) in profit then study pages #164-166

How I raised capital for my first deals and many since (pages #172-175)

But it gets better because you’re also getting …

My playbook for becoming a cash millionaire in 2 years (the system fits on a napkin, see for yourself on page #176)

Were YOU Born To Be RICH? Maybe. You are 4-times more likely to become a millionaire if you are one of these (I’ll reveal what on page #43, but don’t worry if you don’t fit the bill because I’ll show you how to improve your chances of getting rich no matter what your experience level or financial situation is)

Already experienced? Read my 7 tips for creating “cash-flowing assets” (#4 will help you spot trends early, it’s on page #169)

Flip to page #159 if you’re “book smart” about real estate but don’t know where to actually get started (you’ll see the fast way some of my readers use make $500 over and over again and build a $9,000 per month business without ever buying a house)

Bend Bankers To Your Will, Ethically. The “magic trick” I used to have every bank suddenly want to lend me money (as well as my “blitz” tactic for raising funds — both revealed on page #55)

Wholesale Houses? How to make $5,000 or more per deal as a “wholesaler” (yes, they exist even in real estate, see page #162 for more)

Reviews of “SELF MADE” From Readers.

“Frankly Stefan Aarnio pisses me off…Why? He’s so damn smart (and wise) for such a young guy! Joking aside, if you are looking for an example of how to start with nothing and reach your dreams FAST, “Self Made” will help you do exactly that…become ‘Self Made’. Read it. Get inspired by it. Then go out and DO it!”
Dave Dubeau

Real Estate Investor, Trainer, Author.

“Self Made is easy to read and a guide for anyone wishing to go from zero to millionaire.” 
Douglas Vermeeren

Author of Guerrilla Achiever

“Stop and listen. Stefan Aarnio expresses ideas in a way that will make you understand. His story is inspiring and he delivers value, plain and simple.” 
Jason Greschuk

President of Stratford Price

“Self Made delivers financial wisdom wrapped in an entertaining story!” 
Quentin D’Souza

Author of The Ultimate Wealth Strategy

“If you want a starting point with easy to follow examples and a step-by-step guide for how to make money in Real Estate, then this is a fantastic read… Stefan’s “Self Made Lessons” at the end of each chapter should be written onto yellow sticky notes and taped all over your home and office. Informative and engaging read!”
Aaron Adams

Alpine Capital Solutions

“Self Made is a well deserved title for Stefan’s new book. Unlike many business authors of today, Stefan is a true operator who actively practices what he preaches and has learned the unique, challenging and valuable lessons that it takes to truly become a self made entrepreneur.” 
Dean Sutton

President Sutton Industries

“Most money books are a snore-fest, this one held my attention right until the end!” 
Shelly Hagen

Di-Rae Developments

Stefan Aarnio is a great story teller and has a fantastic story to tell. Many can learn from his mistakes and successes in Self Made.”
Tony Jeary


“WOW; I enjoyed Stefan’s first book; this one is even better! In Self-Made, Stefan made me relive his entrepreneurial journey – mine was very similar – all with emotional hurdles, mentors’ guidance and timeless business lessons. If you are thinking of starting a business, this book is like a telescope that gives you a glance into your future. It shows you how to prepare for the events to come and how to overcome entrepreneurial obstacles. As I always say: ‘Business is Simple; Entrepreneurs are Delusional!’. Stefan really conquered the delusion, his journey and his successes are proofs of it. This book is a must read for all would-be-entrepreneurs!” 
Marco Robert

Author of The Business Intervention

“Stefan’s book will help all entrepreneurs to ignite their dreams”
Tammy Kling

bestselling author