Money People Deal: Chapter 32

Money People Deal: Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Coca-Cola Vs. Drug Dealers – Pay Everybody. Has it ever crossed through your mind that Coca-Cola and drug dealers share a lot of things in common? Addictive products, insane profit margins, and concentrated producers are some of the features both...
Self Made: Confession 22

Self Made: Confession 22

  Confession #22 Can You Smell the Money? Stefan Aarnio got more than a check from his 4-plex nightmare deal. After bouncing back from financial hell, he became a local real estate mogul, which led him to do a lot of public speaking. With a solid reputation, it...
Money People Deal: Chapter 32

Money People Deal: Chapter 17

Chapter 17 The No Cash Diet, Kill the Addiction to Money. Money is an illusion, money does not exist. We insist on giving it enough meaning and value for it to gain power over us. The only thing holding anyone back from reaching his or her dreams is mindset. In this...