Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Chapter 37 The $1,000 Hot Dog and the Genius Behind It. It is better to sell one $1,000 hot dog than to sell one thousand $1 hot dogs. That’s why Stefan Aarnio chose to get into real estate. Selling one hot dog for $1,000 makes so much more profit, requires less...
Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Money People Deal: Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Cash Flow Does Not Equal Profit. Cash flow is the goal of most long-term, buy-and-hold investors. Cash flow is the dream and the allure of real estate. Even though cash flow is a concept that excites most people, it is often what makes people leave the...
Money People Deal: Chapter 37

Money People Deal: Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Coca-Cola Vs. Drug Dealers – Pay Everybody. Has it ever crossed through your mind that Coca-Cola and drug dealers share a lot of things in common? Addictive products, insane profit margins, and concentrated producers are some of the features both...