Self Made: Confession 10

Self Made: Confession 10

Confession #10 If you Want to be Rich, Work for Free In this confession, Stefan Aarnio had been on the quest to buy an investment property for months, He attended all the classes he could afford, and even some of the classes he couldn’t afford! His ambition and...
Self Made: Confession 10

Self Made: Confession 9

Confession #9 Your First Investment Will Suck By the time you listen to this new confession, you better know that good entrepreneurs put their money to work. But every entrepreneur also has dreams that are bigger than his wallet will allow.  Learn why guaranteed...
Money People Deal: Chapter 7

Money People Deal: Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Buy Time and Talent To grow the real estate business further than you desire, you must think outside the box. Stefan bought his first deal at the early age of 23, and he had no cash from the very first day. Every dollar that comes into Stefan’s business is...