Money Does Not Exist

Money Does Not Exist

You won’t be free until you understand that money doesn’t exist. There are two types of people in the world: 1)    Those that think that money is real 2)    Those that know that money is just an idea Although money exists in the physical realm, it’s real paper and...
Living Your Purpose

Living Your Purpose

When you are living your purpose, you get up early in the morning without an alarm. You stay up late, focused, without getting tired. You never tire from your purpose or get bored with it. Your purpose is an obsession. You forget to eat, forget to drink water, forget...
The Secret of Occam’s Razor

The Secret of Occam’s Razor

Learn to understand that the simplest solution is usually the best solution. Occam’s Razor, select the solution with the least amount of assumptions. This is powerful, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line A to B Too often we try to...